IGF project 18201 N

Device for the measurement of high volume flows at high temperatures in industrial furnaces 

Within the scope of this pro­ject it was pos­si­ble to deve­lop a con­ti­nuous­ly ope­ra­ting volu­metric flow mea­su­ring device for con­vec­ti­ve heat tre­at­ment plants. The fin­dings from the pre­de­ces­sor pro­ject 16314, in which a volu­metric flow mea­su­ring device (mea­su­ring cross) for radi­al fans with back­ward cur­ved blades and sym­me­tri­cal inco­ming flow was deve­lo­ped, ser­ve as the basis. The new­ly deve­lo­ped mea­su­ring nipp­les are also moun­ted in the inlet nozz­le and func­tion for all com­mon fan types (radi­al fans with for­ward and back­ward cur­ved blades, drum rotors, axi­al fans).

For this pur­po­se, the basic flow con­di­ti­ons in the inlet nozz­le for the four fans inves­ti­ga­ted were mea­su­red with a 5‑hole pro­be. The ana­ly­sis of the flow pro­files shows that the­re is a mea­su­ring posi­ti­on for both cen­tri­fu­gal and axi­al fans at which the volu­me flow can be mea­su­red inde­pendent­ly of the ope­ra­ting point. This repre­sen­ta­ti­ve mea­su­ring point is used by the deve­lo­ped volu­metric flow mea­su­ring device.

Four mea­su­ring nipp­les were instal­led in the inlet nozz­le of the fans. Inves­ti­ga­ti­ons in four ope­ra­ting points of each of the three radi­al fans show­ed that the mea­su­ring nipp­les can mea­su­re the volu­me flow with high accu­ra­cy. Even a (very unfa­voura­ble) asym­me­tri­cal inflow does not impair the func­tion of the mea­su­ring nipp­les. The cali­bra­ti­on fac­tor is con­stant for all exami­ned cen­tri­fu­gal fans.

The mea­su­ring nipp­les were also exami­ned on axi­al fans, the case of a chan­ge of flow direc­tion should also be cover­ed. A con­stant cali­bra­ti­on fac­tor can also be deter­mi­ned for suc­tion-side mea­su­re­ments with mea­su­ring nipp­les in the inlet nozz­le. The mea­su­ring nipp­les must be modi­fied for use in case of a chan­ge of flow direc­tion. In this case, the cali­bra­ti­on coef­fi­ci­ent for the pres­su­re-side mea­su­re­ment depends stron­gly on the deli­very number.

The mea­su­ring nipp­les were then suc­cessful­ly sub­jec­ted to a prac­ti­cal test in two real sys­tems under ope­ra­ting conditions.

Publications within the project

Sträm­ke, S.; Per­kow­ski, D.; Pfei­fer, H.: Mess­son­den zur Volu­men­strom­mes­sung in Ther­mo­pro­zess­an­la­gen, gwi gas­wär­me inter­na­tio­nal, 66 (2017), Nr. 6 Dezem­ber, S. 55–60


The IGF pro­ject 18201 N of the For­schungs­ver­ei­ni­gung For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V. was fun­ded by the AiF within the frame­work of the pro­gram­me for the pro­mo­ti­on of joint indus­tri­al rese­arch (IGF) of the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Ener­gy on the basis of a reso­lu­ti­on of the Ger­man Bundestag.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and the final report can be obtai­ned from the For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V., Lyo­ner Stra­ße 18, 60528 Frank­furt, Ger­ma­ny or info@fkm-net.de