Electric arc furnace

The IOB ope­ra­tes a pilot-sca­le elec­tric arc fur­nace in the Tech­no­lo­gy Park Her­zo­gen­rath (TPH).


The bot­tom ves­sel of the elec­tric arc fur­nace has an effec­ti­ve capa­ci­ty of approx. 40 lit­res, which cor­re­sponds to approx. 200 kg of liquid steel. Depen­ding on the con­di­ti­on of the brick lining, the height of the bath in the ves­sel is thus about 10 to 15 cm.

The maxi­mum acti­ve power is 600 kW with a maxi­mum arc cur­rent of 2000 A. The sys­tem can be ope­ra­ted eit­her in DC or AC mode with one elec­tro­de and one bot­tom elec­tro­de inser­ted in the lower ves­sel or with two elec­tro­des in AC mode. In addi­ti­on, the design of the sys­tem per­mits the use of dril­led gra­phi­te elec­tro­des in direct cur­rent ope­ra­ti­on on a sca­le rele­vant to the ope­ra­tio­nal application.


Alter­na­tively, the arc fur­nace can be ope­ra­ted with plas­ma tor­ches. A mel­ting fur­nace equip­ped with plas­ma tor­ches is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of metall­ur­gi­cal effects sin­ce, in con­trast to gra­phi­te elec­tro­des, gas-tight fur­naces are pos­si­ble with water-coo­led metal tor­ches. The main elec­tro­des con­sist of tho­ri­na­ted tungs­ten. Bet­ween them and the bath, arcs sta­bi­li­zed with argon are generated.

The fur­nace cham­ber is sea­led gas-tight by pneu­ma­tic seals, so that the atmo­sphe­re can be sel­ec­ted almost at will. A ring line around the fur­nace allows late­ral injec­tion of any addi­tio­nal gases, the injec­tion rate of which is adjus­ted by means of mass flow con­trol­lers. An exhaust gas ana­ly­sis sys­tem is available for con­ti­nuous ana­ly­sis, moni­to­ring and recor­ding of the gas atmo­sphe­re during the tests. The com­ple­te mel­ting plant is water-cooled.


The fur­nace can be equip­ped with one (alter­na­ting cur­rent ope­ra­ti­on) or two (direct cur­rent ope­ra­ti­on) porous plugs instal­led in the cru­ci­b­le bot­tom, so that ther­mal and che­mi­cal homo­ge­nisa­ti­on of the melt by stir­ring is possible.


For pro­cess con­trol, a mea­su­ring and con­trol unit with a pro­gramma­ble logic con­trol­ler (PLC) is instal­led as the core, which con­ta­ins dis­play instru­ments, ope­ra­ting ele­ments and moni­to­ring equip­ment requi­red for safe ope­ra­ti­on. Various func­tions (cur­rent, gas con­sump­ti­on, coo­ling water tem­pe­ra­tu­re, etc.) are moni­to­red and/or con­trol­led simultaneously.

A sys­tem for recor­ding, sto­ring and eva­lua­ting the mea­su­re­ment data is instal­led for the docu­men­ta­ti­on of the tests. This sys­tem docu­ments para­me­ters such as power inputs, tem­pe­ra­tures, pres­su­res and flow rates.