Improved EAF Process Control Using On-Line Offgas Analysis

The OFFGAS pro­ject has been focu­sed on inves­ti­ga­ting the poten­ti­al for pro­cess opti­miza­ti­on and effi­ci­en­cy increa­ses in the elec­tric steel­ma­king pro­cess regar­ding oxy­gen injec­tion and ener­gy trans­fer to scrap and melt at the EAF. A spe­cial empha­si­ze has been put onto the appli­ca­ti­on of per­ma­nent off-gas ana­ly­sis sys­tems instal­led at the fur­naces inves­ti­ga­ted. The inves­ti­ga­ti­ons were car­ri­ed out by a con­sor­ti­um of rese­arch insti­tu­tes (RWTH, BFI, CSM, CRM) and indus­tri­al part­ners (DEWG, TKN, MH, ORI, TENOVA) repre­sen­ting in total five elec­tric steel making plants with a wide ran­ge of pro­du­ced steel gra­des and EAF technology.

The off-gas ana­ly­sis sys­tems in com­bi­na­ti­on with pro­cess and ener­gy models allow for a con­ti­nuous on-line moni­to­ring and con­trol of the EAF mel­ting pro­cess and pro­vi­de an important tool for the steel plant workers in order to opti­mi­ze the EAF pro­cess with respect to opti­mal effi­ci­en­cy of oxy­gen lan­cing, car­bon injec­tion and addi­ti­on, ener­gy trans­fer eit­her from the arc and from the gas pha­se to the mel­ted pool (post-com­bus­ti­on, scrap pre­hea­ting). The tech­ni­cal objec­ti­ve, to signi­fi­cant­ly increase the avai­la­bi­li­ty and appli­ca­bi­li­ty of the off-gas signals for on-line assess­ment and con­trol of post-com­bus­ti­on and for com­pre­hen­si­ve EAF ener­gy moni­to­ring, has been achie­ved. Addi­tio­nal­ly, EAF pro­cess models that were up to now main­ly used for off-line pro­cess assess­ment of various aspects of EAF steel making, have been tes­ted, deve­lo­ped and appli­ed for on-line EAF pro­cess and ener­gy control.

Final Report

Pfei­fer, H.; Ech­ter­hof, T.; Risonar­ta, V.Y.; Voj, L.; Jung, H.-P.; Lenz, S.; Bei­ler, C.; Bal­lew­ski, H.-H.; Mees, H.; Kleimt, B.; Pierre, R.; Krass­nig, H.-J.; Ciril­li, F.; De Miran­da, U.; Pus­to­ri­no, M.; Nys­sen, P.; Boren­stein, D.; Oje­da, C.; Abreu, E.; Simon, P.; Van­der­heyden, B.: Impro­ved EAF pro­cess con­trol using online off­gas ana­ly­sis — OFFGAS, EUR 25048, Rese­arch Fund for Coal and Steel series, Publi­ca­ti­ons Office of the Euro­pean Uni­on, (2011), Luxem­bourg, ISBN 978–92-79–22160‑6

Logo ECThe rese­arch lea­ding to the­se results has recei­ved fun­ding from the Euro­pean Community’s Rese­arch Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) under grant agree­ment n° RFSR-CT-2006–00004.