IGF project 17810 N

Process development for non-scaling reheating of metallic semi-finished products 

The aim of this pro­ject is the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of direct firing of fur­naces for the hea­ting of metal­lic semi-finis­hed pro­ducts by bur­ners with pre­hea­ted com­bus­ti­on air in order to impro­ve resour­ce and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. By means of a sub-stoi­chio­me­tric air ratio in the fur­nace cham­ber, a low oxy­gen par­ti­al pres­su­re is set and the mate­ri­al loss due to sca­le for­ma­ti­on in cop­per and unal­loy­ed steel is redu­ced. A three-stage pro­cess is deve­lo­ped which uses the ener­gy of the incom­ple­te­ly burnt fuel in the fur­nace cham­ber for recup­er­a­ti­ve or rege­ne­ra­ti­ve air preheating.

The expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons show an almost com­ple­te reduc­tion of the sca­le quan­ti­ty for cop­per and cop­per-nickel alloys with an air num­ber of 0.96. For steel the sca­le quan­ti­ty is hal­ved with a reduc­tion of the air num­ber from 1.15 to 0.95. The gene­ra­ti­on of a sub-stoi­chio­me­tri­cal­ly burnt fur­nace atmo­sphe­re is pos­si­ble with a con­ven­tio­nal recup­er­a­ti­ve bur­ner. A pro­cess win­dow is deter­mi­ned as a func­tion of bur­ner out­put, air num­ber and air pre­hea­ting. Afterbur­ning takes place in an annu­lar gap or pipe geo­me­try. For a com­ple­te CO burn­out, afterbur­ning must be car­ri­ed out upstream of the heat exch­an­ger. A pro­cess win­dow for the sta­ble ope­ra­ti­on of the post-com­bus­ti­on is deter­mi­ned as a func­tion of the pri­ma­ry air num­ber, the secon­da­ry air volu­me and the exhaust gas and air pre­hea­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re. The CO emis­si­ons after post-com­bus­ti­on are signi­fi­cant­ly less than 150 ppm and the NOX emis­si­ons are signi­fi­cant­ly less than 50 ppm.

An over­all tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic ana­ly­sis shows that the pro­cess can be used for sub-stoi­chio­me­tric com­bus­ti­on with an air num­ber grea­ter than 0.95. The air num­ber of the com­bus­ti­on cham­ber is 0.95. The air num­ber of the com­bus­ti­on cham­ber is 0.95. The grea­test poten­ti­al for eco­no­mic impro­ve­ment through the use of the pro­cess is available for cop­per and cop­per-nickel alloys as well as the hea­ting of steel with a cen­tral recuperator.

Publications within the project

Schwot­zer, C.; Schnitz­ler, M.; Pfei­fer, H.; Acker­mann, H.; Diar­ra, D.: Low sca­le rehea­ting of semi-finis­hed metal pro­ducts in fur­naces with a cen­tral recup­er­a­tor, heat pro­ces­sing, 14 (2016), Nr. 3, S. 83–89

Schwot­zer, C.; Schnitz­ler, M.; Pfei­fer, H.: Zun­der­ar­me Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen mit Reku­per­a­tor­bren­nern, Gas­wär­me Inter­na­tio­nal, 65 (2016), Nr. 3, S. 67–72

C. Schwot­zer, M. Schnitz­ler, H. Pfei­fer, H. Acker­mann, D. Diar­ra: Unter­su­chung der Ener­gie­ef­fi­zi­enz und Abgas­emis­sio­nen eines Ver­fah­rens zur zun­der­ar­men Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, Pro­cess­Net Fach­aus­schuss Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­tech­nik, 10.–11.03.2016, Erlangen-Nürnberg

C. Schwot­zer: Expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­on of a con­cept for sca­le free rehea­ting of semi-finis­hed metal pro­ducts — exam­p­le cop­per, Aachen-Frei­berg-Mag­de­bur­ger-Kol­lo­qi­um, 07.–08.10.2015, Magdeburg

C. Schwot­zer, M. Schnitz­ler, H. Pfei­fer: Unter­su­chung der Abgas­nach­ver­bren­nung für ein Ver­fah­ren zur zun­der­ar­men Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, 27. VDI Flam­men­tag, 16.–17.09.2015, Clausthal-Zellerfeld

T. Lum­me­rich: Tech­nisch-öko­no­mi­sche Ana­ly­se eines Ver­fah­rens zur zun­der­ar­men Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, Bache­lor­ar­beit, RWTH Aachen, Insti­tut für Indus­trie­ofen­bau und Wär­me­tech­nik, 09.2015

C. Schwot­zer: Ver­fah­ren für eine zun­der­ar­me Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, 6. GWI Pra­xis­ta­gung, 14.–15.04.2015, Essen

C. Schwot­zer, T. Bal­ken­hol, M. Schnitz­ler, H. Pfei­fer, H. Acker­mann, K. Lucka: Expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­on of a con­cept for sca­le free rehea­ting of semi-finis­hed metal pro­ducts, Euro­pean Con­fe­rence on Indus­tri­al Fur­naces and Boi­lers (INFUB), 07.–10.04.2015, Por­to, Portugal

C. Schwot­zer, M. Schnitz­ler, H. Pfei­fer, H. Acker­mann, K. Lucka: Expe­ri­men­tal inves­ti­ga­ti­on of a con­cept for sca­le free rehea­ting of semi-finis­hed metal pro­ducts, Euro­pean Com­bus­ti­on Mee­ting (ECM), 30.03.–02.04.2015, Buda­pest, Ungarn

C. Schwot­zer, M. Schnitz­ler, H. Pfei­fer, H. Acker­mann, K. Lucka: Ver­fah­ren für eine zun­der­ar­me Wie­der­erwär­mung von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, Pro­cess­Net Fach­aus­schuss Hoch­tem­pe­ra­tur­tech­nik, 19.–20.02.2015, Rheinfelden

T. Bal­ken­hol: Expe­ri­men­tel­le Unter­su­chung zum Ein­fluss der Ofen­at­mo­sphä­re auf das Oxi­da­ti­ons­ver­hal­ten von Metall-Halb­zeu­gen, Mas­ter­ar­beit, RWTH Aachen, Insti­tut für Indus­trie­ofen­bau und Wär­me­tech­nik, 09.2014


The IGF pro­ject 17810 N of the For­schungs­ver­ei­ni­gung For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V. was fun­ded by the AiF within the frame­work of the pro­gram­me for the pro­mo­ti­on of joint indus­tri­al rese­arch (IGF) of the Fede­ral Minis­try of Eco­no­mics and Ener­gy on the basis of a reso­lu­ti­on of the Ger­man Bundestag.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and the final report can be obtai­ned from the For­schungs­ku­ra­to­ri­um Maschi­nen­bau e.V., Lyo­ner Stra­ße 18, 60528 Frank­furt, Ger­ma­ny or info@fkm-net.de